【同义词辨析】 2020-03-12 清楚clear-lucid(2小组一起记)
(1) 清楚
clear: implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness: ~ water. (haze薄雾,霾implies a diffusion of smoke or dust or light vapor sufficient to blur vision but not to obstruct it,如mountains rendered blue by the haze雾霾使山看上去成了蓝色,如they vanished into the haze near the horizon他们消失在天边的雾霾中,如a heat haze热天的雾气) (mud泥refers to soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water土和水混合而成的粘软物质,如短语as clear as mud不清楚,短语to sling mud at表示污蔑,如they are trying to sling mud at me to cover up their defeat为了掩盖失败而要中伤我)
transparent: applies to whatever can be seen through clearly and sharply: a ~ sheet of film.
translucent: applies to what permits the passage of light but not a clear view of what lies beyond: ~ frosted glass. 来自词根LUC表示light光,下一组的lucid也来自该词根,如Lucent朗讯是一家美国电信制造商,如elucidate阐明解释 frost霜,frost glass毛玻璃在英语中叫霜玻璃
limpid: suggests the soft clearness of pure water: ~ blue eyes.
clear清楚清晰: 指没有云雾泥,transparent透明: 指视线可以清晰锐利地透过,translucent半透明: 指透光但看不清对面的物体,limpid清澈: 表示水纯净清柔
记忆方法: 1)首字母CTTL从它透亮<==清楚 "清"从氵青声,来自青水。指水或其他液体气体"纯净,没有混杂物",与"浊"相对,如清洁清水清澈清茶清汤清唱天朗气清;引申为"公正廉洁",如清廉清白清官;还表示"安静",如清静冷清。 "楚"本义是一种丛生的树木,又叫"荆",引申为"整齐清晰鲜明",如衣冠楚楚楚楚动人。 "晰"的本义是"光亮",引申为"清楚明白",如明晰清晰,还写成皙表示白,如白皙,都和本义光亮有关。
2)清楚的意思是视线可透过mean capable of being seen through.
(2) 清楚
clear: implies freedom from obscurity, ambiguity, or undue complexity: the instructions were perfectly ~.
perspicuous: applies to a style that is simple and elegant as well as clear: the ~ beauty of Shakespeare's sonnets. 十四行诗 又如a perspicuous argument/explanation清晰的申论/解释
lucid: suggests a clear logical coherence and evident order of arrangement: an amazingly ~ description of nuclear physics. cohere连贯,是指凝聚在一起suggests a sticking together,如the whole essay lacks coherence整篇文章缺乏连贯性 order秩序就是逻辑,后半部分不需要译出
clear清楚清晰: 指不晦涩无歧义不复杂,perspicuous清楚清晰: 指风格简单优雅清晰,lucid清楚清晰: 表示逻辑连贯
记忆方法: 1)清楚的意思是容易理解mean quickly and easily understood.